vineri, 27 martie 2009

Standing in the middle

I'm having two sides of everything,I'm separating myself into two camps,I'm half a party in a one dog town,I don't know how to survive,except the way I'm doing it now,I'm a drummer who can't keep a beat,I love them just because I love the others too,The window to the skies is as good as the wall to the south and I need to use both of them.My life is a sitcom with no ending,in it's 17th season.I'm writing in English just because I love to be different some times,but in the end I'm separated into two Hristos,one trying to survive,the other one trying to have fun,fighting my own ego while standing in the middle...

Un comentariu:

詩人 (Shijin) spunea...

ai febră? Te.a apucat englezeala? eşti emo? ... jeez...