joi, 21 mai 2009

The princess and the butler

Once upon a time there was a princess,named COCO,and a butler,BUBU.He liked her,so for her 18th birthday,the butler gave her some shoes bought from CHINA.At her party at the CRYSTAL PALACE,COCO wore an orange dress,bought from the ORANGE SHOP,but BUBU didn't know how to invite her to dance with him,so he called 911 and MICHAEL JACKSON arrived in a second with his JUMBO JET to sing for them.She couldn't resist the temptation so she,COCO,danced with the butler,BUBU,they fell in love and lived happily ever after until the princess lost her MASTERCARD.

by Gaby,Hristo,See-me during the english Hour today,21.05.2009,at 9 o'clock!

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

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Alex Domnisoru spunea...

hai ca esti simpatic :)))))